AV2 Nova Streams

AV2 is a video coding standard that is under development by the Alliance for Open Media.

HDR Nova is developing verification tools to help hardware and software implementations.

Specification validation

We are developing a tool that can decode test streams based on a draft AV2 specification. We compare the decoding results to the reference software implementation to ensure that the specification matches the code. We report mismatches on the AOM bug tracker.

Test streams

We are developing a tool that generates test streams based on a draft AV2 specification. This generator explores the full space of legal AV2 bitstreams according to the specification, not just the ones that can be produced by the reference encoder.

Specification writing

We are analysing the reference code to prepare updates to the specification text for each new tool showing the change from AV1 to AV2.

We are using our specification validation approach to confirm that these updates to the text match the reference code.

Coverage analysis

We are developing a tool that analyses a set of test streams to measure the level of coverage of the specification. This includes branch/value/cross coverage and ensures that the full range of legal AV2 bitstreams are being tested.